Month: May 2006


quickest of quick notes: new essay up at The Cult. On revision, of all unlikely things. I mean, of all unlikely things for me to be writing about. Anyway, it’s here.

and, nope, no new DEMON THEORY news in the last few, sweltering, basketball-playing, story-workshopping, dog-tying-up-only-to-have-it-chew-through-the-rope, Daily Show watching hours.…

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To be read

never at a loss for stuff to read. if I could just shoehorn one more syllable in there, it’d scan pretty cool, I think. what little I know or can take a stab at talking lines. anyway, yesterday afternoon’s library haul (this doesn’t count the ninety-plus I already have checked out, on my shelf, which I call The Annex). was going to type them all in for that Books You’ve Bought But Haven’t Read Yet (or something) thread over at the Velvet, but good gr…

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Demon Theory update

Finished copies exist, are real, are in the mail now. If I had the skills, I’d rework some of those gas-shortage pics from the late seventies, of all the cars lined up, only I’d put a big DEMON THEORY in place of the pump. or maybe pirate one of those Body Axe commercials, re-edit it to showcase DT which, yeah, as you can see, Logan over at the Velvet just rigged up. very cool. rigged this one up too.

reading now: Anne River Siddons’ 1978 THE HOUSE NEXT DOOR.

what it&

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The Vanity of Open Spaces

ARTS & LETTERS just picked up my “The Vanity of Open Spaces” for sometime in 2007. Cool place. Excited to have that story with them. Click their image here to go to their place:

Arts  Letters

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Two things

  1. Another BLEED INTO ME review. Montana Magazine. Here.
  2. This, from up front in Amy Taubin’s BFI book on TAXI DRIVER:

Really, it is not violence at all which is the ‘point’ of the western movie, but a certain image of man, a style, which expresses itself most clearly in violence. Watch a child with his toy guns and you will see: what most interests him is not (as we so much fear) the fantasy of hurting others, but to work out how a man might look when he shoots or is shot

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Not talking that Gershon/Tilly movie from a while back, though nothing against it either. Instead, DEMON THEORY. If you listen close, and if you happen to live right next door to MacAdam/Cage’s printer, then you can maybe hear it getting bound. Anyway, that’s the word I get, which I’m guessing I can announce: DEMON THEORY‘s got itself to a bindery. Meaning, yeah, I was lying in that last post, with my within-the-week forecast, but, too, I mean, the o…

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  • just/finally found and watched that SCREAM & SCREAM AGAIN slasher documentary. excellent stuff. wish I’d had it for DEMON THEORY. would have saved a lot of legwork
  • just finding out about THE REMAKE, somehow. here. looks excellent. and, I’m sure it’s on IMDb somewhere, but I can’t seem to find it.
  • talking YouTube, too (where that last link shoots you), I snagged a lot of clips/vids, pasted them up here (MySpace, yeah–they just seem to kee
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