
Couldn’t be happier: Asimov’s has picked up a story of mine, “do(this).” Lucky days. Out in . . . Well, it’s either a lot like or the direct opposite of what Sean Connery says in . . . I’m thinking it’s Highlander? Somebody asks him about something that happened, and he gets all reflective and flashbacky and says, with a little chin stroking, “Ah yes, that was in the past . . . ” (his Scottish ellipses). All of which is to say, obviously, “do(this)” will be appearing in Asimov’s sometime in the future.asimovs

And, for the short version of how long I’ve been trying to get into Asimov’s: it’s ridiculous. And rewarding.

And, next up, I think, “Hell on the Homefront Too,” in Cemetery Dance. Month and a half or so, I’d guess. Maybe a bit less. The Demon Theory trade paperback should just beat it, I mean.

Author: SGJ