No More Hard Candy Shell

which is to say the Demon Theory trade paperback’s in the atmosphere. And, according to Amazon (or, the American link), it looks to have gone radioactive. Which I can’t say nearly as cool as The Firm said it, once and forever. amazon's dtAnyway, as to what-all’s different in this one, man, just too much to list here. It’s been re-proofed, re-typeset, just had all kinds of re-stuff done to it. For half the bucks, too.

Also, if you see Rain Taxi somewhere: new Demon Theory review in it. Also one in the first issue of Dead Reckonings. One coming up — interview too, and a story — in the next Cemetery Dance here.

And, talking Cemetery Dance, that “Raphael” story that was back in #55, it’s now up for an IHGA (International Horror Guild Award). Maybe I’ll get lucky.

Too, this just in, and very cool: Kaleidotrope will be publishing my story “Pistil, Stamen, Bloom.” It’s a sweet story about a boy and his frog. October 2007 or so, here.

Author: SGJ