Three Stories, One Interview

First story, “Monsters,” with Niteblade. A nice little ‘What I did this summer’-story. Or, ‘What I did this summer and who-all died,’ kind of, I suppose.

Second story, in the “Broken Clocks” issue of ColoredChalk, “Good Times.” It goes maybe three hunrdred words? Not even that, likely. Things take a pretty sharp turn down some hill, though. One nobody should ever really ever even look down.

Third story, “Rendezvous with Sula Prime” (yep, I’ve read a lot of Clarke), at the brand-new shiny happy Trailer Park Quarterly.

And, the interview, at the Shirley Jackson Awards Blog, here. A three-question trick (for which I should have answered “blue” for one of them, I know).

Author: SGJ