Yog SEA at BookBar

Which you’d think would start here, at 7pm, as the sign says:

But, really, I was at Tattered Cover Colfax at 2pm, for a Denver Moon event, which went great, as you can tell:

On the way out, I caught My Hero in good company:

I so, so dig My Favorite Thing is Monsters. Very ready for vol.2. Really dug My Friend Dahmer, too.

Anyway, instead of finding coffee shop to write away some hours in (the scent of coffee leaves me dramatically gagging), I went to Discount Tire and worked on a chapter, then hung around Chipotle drinking tea and writing and watching some street fair happen all around me. Then, driving to BookBar, traffic and the world, turn after turn, kept throwing me and this guy together:

We even ended up parking just down from each other. And then? When I was leaving hours later, THERE HE WAS AGAIN, also leaving. I completely don’t understand what was going on. I used to have that sticker, though, many trucks back. Need to get another.

Anyway, before too long, it was all this (photos by Lawrence Berry, who also threw the event, and wonderfully so):

The People

The Writers

The Reading

The Award

Was an honor to get #13 in this series. And, if it looks like a chrome yo-yo? There’s a pretty good reason for that. Took me like five minutes, in front of everybody, to remember how to yo. Or, how to yo-yo. I don’t even know the proper terms.

Anyway, was great doing this event with Carter and Steve. Here’s to many more. And, always wonderful being at BookBar, one of the coolest of all the bookstores. Didn’t make it back to Boulder until nearly eleven either, I guess, at which point, too tired for the standing desk, I parked my laptop at the kitchen table, wrote until well after midnight, when I kept waking at the keyboard, finally decided forward progress wasn’t happening anymore. And, now, I’m only doing this post a few minutes before lunch—have been hammering away on the keyboard all morning. Writing, man, it’s where it’s at, yeah? No better place to be, I don’t figure.



Author: SGJ