Told myself when I Was a Teenage Slasher came out—not a good idea to stand some metric/threshold like this up, I know, but . . . it’s hard to do only smart things?—that I’d look at its review count on Goodreads a month out, and, if it’d crossed 1000, I’d be thrilled beyond thrilled, as that’s pretty fast to accumulate that many readers, and reader responses. So? Still two days shy of a month, I guess—though, maybe this is the fourth Tuesday?—and:

Which is to say: thank you, all. This was a good tab-over, the best log-in. Means everything, and maybe even, somehow, more, like when people say “110%,” even though that’s in the face of what “per cent” technically means. But? So is this. I’m “more”: thrilled, ecstatic, happy, honored.
( though, please don’t let this suggest that I’m ever using “decimate” in the “annihilate” sense . . . )