Category: buffalo
All these weeks later, can I still find some snapshots to document I Was a Teenage Slasher winging it from NYC to San Diego? Let’s see, let’s see:
Launch-day was shooting video for The Buffalo Hunter Hunter at Simon & Schuster, but ALSO seeing Tolly and Ambs in the main display case at ground-level in that building that always makes me feel like I’m on a Conan remote—that he’s about to pe…
Set in 2012, in 1912, and in 1870, this is a series of conversations between an aging Lutheran pastor in Miles City, Montana and a Blackfeet vampire, but it’s also a conversation with—interrogation of?—history, and justice, and retribution. With . . . no small amount of blood drinking, and plenty of that good old epistolary action.
Excerpt at People magazine…