Category: comic books
Check it out:
So cool. I mean, I know: my critical faculties are supposed to be rendered helpless from the surprise of seeing the yellow book drawn like this, but? That’s not why I like this comic book. Why I like this comic book is that it’s good comic-booking. Pablo D’Stair knows the medium, knows the mode, and, even better—even rarer—the dude can draw. I knew he could write, and I suspect he can do about eighty other things as well (if our minds are hamsters on …
Man, had no idea about any of this. And, it’s just a shade away from the slasher, too: masked, punishing the “guilty,” using violence the law can’t use, preferring the night.
That one from a few days ago was a spotlight/author kind of thing. This is a conversation about horror, with other hosts, other horror writers:
have been full of events. Feels like I haven’t been wheels-down since Denver Comic Con, about. Had three deadline stories to jam down along the way, and trying to finish a novel besides. But, of course: wouldn’t have it any other way.
Anyway, at Tattered Cover Lodo . . . last week, I think it was, I got to talk to Andy Davidson about his excellent Texas/serial killer/vampire novel In the Valley of the Sun:
Then, the very next morning, with help from the audio X-Files Co…