Category: etc

Coolest Mapping snap so far

Which, I should probably say: I’m a committed bubble-bath reader myself:

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The Elvis Room out in the world

Or,  West Texas, at least, which, for eighteen years, was pretty much all the world I could confirm there was.

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My shortest interview EVER

And, you can’t tell, but I’m standing on an actual red carpet, here. My first ever red carpet. Talking to John Palisano before the Stoker banquet on the Queen Mary in Long Beach, for StokerCon 2017.



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Persistence Hunting

Not talking about the Jeremy Robert Johnson story, although it’s one of my favorites of his, but the kind of endurance running we hominids used to use (used to use more) to run down prey. I mean, of course we did that—it’s what my “Chapter Six” story argues. Also, I’ve read accounts that, in the Great Plains, long before Kevin Costner got there, it was kind of a Sunday sport for white guys (I specify because in the accounts I know, it’s only e…

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Happy Places

Surely I’m not the only one who keeps pics/cartoons/memes/whatever around to look at every day just because they compel immediate, involuntary happiness? I had said they ‘elicit,’ but that wasn’t nearly aggressive enough.

Here’s the one I’ve been laughing at for a few weeks now. It’s never lost any of its punch, so far. It may in fact be perfect:

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Learn Spelling

That right click you can do in Pages, when you finally get tired of seeing those Charlie Brown lips under all the words you make up? Well, I guess it’s Charlie Brown lips in MSWord, but I despise having to open Word, like, a little piece of my soul dies each time I have to (and I have to a lot, for trackchanges purposes), so here’s a grab of the highway dividers (hashmarks? Indian Jones map-in-action lines?) Pages plants underneath the words it doesn’t know:


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SGJ Bio & Author Photos


So, if you need a bio from me, here’s the basic one, which I’ll try to keep updated. Can’t seem to get the titles to go properly italics, but surely you can fix that:

Stephen Graham Jones is the NYT bestselling author of some thirty novels and collections, and there’s some novellas and comic books in there as well. Most recent are Don’t Fear the Reaper and the ongoing Earthdivers. Up before too long are The Angel of Indian Lake, I Was a Teenage Slasher, and Tru

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All the Pretty Hominids

Back when The Fast Red Road wasn’t called that—this is late 1997, early 1998—the way I intended to write it was as a series of long answering machine messages left in this one guy’s trailer while he’s off gallivanting around with a carnival or something (he’s got pet jackals—this is the kind cool stuff you think of, first novel out, that you then don’t get to use until, say, you write a novel about a bunnyheaded zombie coyote/smuggler/father). …

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