My favorite kind of tweets

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Ones That Got Away tv-loop-thing

That Racconti edizioni got together in anticipation of . . .  something else about to happen in Italy:…

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Talking about Mad Hatters

( the names here are ABOVE the answers )…

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Teaching a Sociopath to Cry

First story of the year on the first new day of the year. Maybe someday I’ll have a story every DAY of the year. Well, cumulative anyway. Think I’m pushing three hundred published so far. Now plus one more:

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Best of 2017

For the first time ever, I kept a running tab of the best of every month:

It’s not everything I read/watch/listened to. Just the stuff I dug.

And? I had this big idea that I’d peel back through all those, dither and negotiate about which is actually my favorite whatever of the year. But what I’m right-now finding? I like to remember better, on the idea that if it was good, …

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