Finished copies exist, are real, are in the mail now. If I had the skills, I’d rework some of those gas-shortage pics from the late seventies, of all the cars…
ARTS & LETTERS just picked up my “The Vanity of Open Spaces” for sometime in 2007. Cool place. Excited to have that story with them. Click their image here to…
Another BLEED INTO ME review. Montana Magazine. Here. This, from up front in Amy Taubin’s BFI book on TAXI DRIVER: Really, it is not violence at all which is the…
Not talking that Gershon/Tilly movie from a while back, though nothing against it either. Instead, DEMON THEORY. If you listen close, and if you happen to live right next door…
just/finally found and watched that SCREAM & SCREAM AGAIN slasher documentary. excellent stuff. wish I’d had it for DEMON THEORY. would have saved a lot of legwork just finding out…
and Dana Scully for surgeon general, yeah. really though, just here to post a cleaner version of that Demon Theory banner: [ it may take a bit to load, as…
Just got a note that there’s an article on me in the (Texas Tech) student paper. click on the image below for it. looks like you have to register, maybe,…
Maybe it’s this way for everybody, I don’t know. Sometimes I’ll stumble across something in a book, anyway, and it’ll just burrow right to the core of me and never…
Excited that the Savoj Zizek DVD’s going to be available soon. He’s my PKD, since PKD went on extended hiatus. Click on the poster to get to the place Check…
This is the first Demon Theory banner, anyway: [ and no, no clue how to get that animation to restart–‘refresh’ doesn’t seem to do it. anybody know how? ] If…