I’d guess this is either posted around somewhere or is about to be, but, anyway, this past weekend I was in Austin, at the Texas Institute of Letters awards banquet,…
or, it’s swag to me, anyway–a gift from the blue. specifically, from Noose, over at the Velvet (Noose of course being the guy who authored the original site this site…
Another one coming out there, one of my favorite stories of any I’ve ever written. so, to sum up the forthcoming Cemetery Dance stuff: “Raphael,” in #55 (right about to…
rigged this up in just under 14 days, I think, a while back. I’d just finished reading that graphic novel which I suddenly can’t get the full title of: Thirty…
All I knew about Pennsylvania before the last couple of days was what I’d read in Pynchon’s Mason & Dixon. It’s the place with those big pretty barns, though; I…
another story in Cemetery Dance. a zombie-piece. too, if you don’t subscribe to their newsletter, I’d recommend it. if you’re into horror, I mean. lots of the bargains/sales they’re always…
Just realized we’re T-minus four weeks on Demon Theory. Usually by now galleys/ARCs would have been floating around, but, gremlins being what they are, we’re holding our breaths for the…
Next Wednesday at 8:00, I’m in the Foster Auditorium up at Penn State (in State College, PA). Just reading aloud. Not sure what yet, but I’ll have a plane ride…
Juked just pasted it up on their very cool walls. ( as for my feelings for time-travel, I think there’s a thread somewhere on the Velvet already. to sum it…
This was a panel from the AWP conference. Think the stardate was 9 March, 2006, about 1:30 in the breathless afternoon. A big room with these draping chandeliers, and some…
I touched Demon Theory for the final time last Monday, at about six minutes shy of seven in the morning. It’s maybe at the printer’s now. Still an April 13th…
Guess I did two readings at AWP this past weekend. Well, two readings and one panel. Of the two readings, anyway, this is the one that happened to get recorded…