if you click somewhere and, I don’t know, something bad or unexpected happens, or if you’re having trouble with some form, with display in some browser, anything along those lines, put a comment down under this if you want, please. We’ll try to get on it (where ‘we’ = ‘I’).…
see the Author faq.
…still playing with that, when I can remember to. have ‘stephengrahamjones.net’ and ‘stephengrahamjones.com’ writing themselves over ‘demontheory.net’ for a while, if that’s the link you clicked to get here. but yeah, the three domains/URLs/addresses: they all resolve t
The first is central to Seven Spanish Angels, the second kind of prescient to Demon Theory:
[ click them for the larger img ]
That monkeys-img is thanks to a reader. the cite on it, I think, is: by Massimo Carnivale. it’s the cover for the 40th issue of that Y the Last Man comic (Brian K. Vaughn).…
read enough stuff, you can’t help but start keeping lists. this is mine:
[ it’s a link now, because I made this with Flash, like 76 years ago, and Flash is tricky to embed in this WordPress that Flash never even dreamed of . . . ]
I’ll probably keep adding to it, yeah. one thing I see now that I forgot to put on there was that oftentimes the writer will be including what seems like gratuitous sexR…
[ all the entries and posts and pages &etc below this timestamp are wrong. just all stuff I copied over from the old/other site. so, yeah, I could go into the mySQL table(s), rig the times to some approximation of what they are, or were, but, too, I kind of like the idea of all the dates in here bottoming out in late January, here (right after I turned 34…). however, this place being shiny new and all that, if you find any deadlinks or navigational dead ends or get caught in s…
I don’t write essays, but, anyway, been meaning to for a couple of years now. planned subject: all the fake throwing up in movies. it’s so insulting to me when the character leans over and hurls up some obvious mouthful of soup or something. their sides hardly contracting in dry heaves, none of that. maybe it’s just that throwing up was the one sport I could have gone olympic in, I don’t know.
won’t be writing that essay now, however, as, finally, …
On a sad note, SciFiction is a gone thing. Of course, wherever Ellen Datlow lands next will be the new hot spot for speculative stuff. Just hope the wait isn’t too long.
My selfish reason for being sad, of course, is that I cut my teeth on OMNI’s fiction* back in the 80’s. Which is to say Datlow introduced me to the short story, more or less. So I’ve been amassing rejection letters from her for about twelve years now. Maybe longer, even. I should rig them up i…
Instead of typing in all the volume and issue number stuff, instead each cover is just linked to its high-res scan, which has all the good info on it. Hover your mouse over the covers to see which story’s where.
stuff you might see be seeing on the shelf now:
stuff you’d have to order as back-issues, from the individual mags, or find in a library:
stuff in anthologies, annuals, textbooks:
SGJ’s first publication ever:
The video of the panel is live. It runs close to an hour, but well worth it, lots of good stuff talked about by all of the authors. Too, thanks to my brother for the steady hand as he filmed most of it, and when it shakes and your stomach is sick, blame me, sorry, couldn’t stand still. Enjoy. Click the picture to start the recording, or click here to just listen:
links to the panelists: