Category: bookish

Best Stuff I Found in 2020

Gonna do this fast, here, as, when I take time and mull, this annual post just gets longer and longer—me, trying to include everything. So, before I can think too much, dig back too much, and probably including stuff I should have caught in 2019, or 2002:

Novel(s) of the Year

Comic Book of the Year

and, kind of late to the party on:

Best Story Collection of the Year

Horror Movie(s) of the Year

Non-Horror Movie of the Year

[I’m cheating here a bit — sneaking this one in even though
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Best of 2020: the November edition
Continue Reading Best of 2020: the November edition

Best of 2020: the August edition

Continue Reading Best of 2020: the August edition

Never Trust a Narrator

They’ve always got an agenda, they never tell the whole story. Especially when, say . . . they’re talking about mannequins . . .
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The Graveyard Shift

About the best you can have: imagining you’re the attendant at the spooky place, and you get to bring books and some etcetera with you:
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Last couple of books I’m in

And, my keyboard is my backdrop, there. This isn’t MY keyboard, but it pretty much is:

typing on this is like telepathy/telekinesis: my words just appear on the screen as I think them . . .
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