Category: events

Teenage Slasher tour stops!

Hope to see some/all of you on the slasher road in a couple weeks. It starts in NYC, at The Strand, and then wends and winds across America. Not listed here is San Diego Comic Con—I’m a last-minute add, but will likely be doing a signing or something at the Simon & Schuster/Saga booth? Will try to say here when and if I know.

And . . . the stop-by-stop graphics/links, maybe even in order:

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ALA in San Diego

Doing this and many more events, next couple of days:

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Mirrored Heavens tonight!

Continue Reading Mirrored Heavens tonight!


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Boulder Bookstore / KGNU tomorrow!

Continue Reading Boulder Bookstore / KGNU tomorrow!

When in Spain, 2023 version

Was there in November—Madrid first, then Barcelona, right up until Turkey Day here in the States—but started that vampire novel right after, so: am only just now posting the media from that week and a half there. Not sure where all the photos &etc ended up, but, here’s what I find, scraping Twitter:

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Vermillion, South Dakota

Great time, great people, cool bookstore (Outside a Dog). Couple pics by Doug Murano, then some shots from the crowd. But, first, the smallest, elkiest little corner of some amazing murals, downtown:

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Colorado Festival of Horror

Continue Reading Colorado Festival of Horror

ALA 2023 in Chicago

Great time, great people (librarians), great con:

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