If anyone skating through here catches one, maybe reply under this? Now that comments are finally working again . . . Speaking of, need to go back a few posts…
Been wondering for . . . a year? more? why comments went away on, here. Figured it was a theme or WordPress update, then didn’t have time to think about…
should have been putting up all the Angel reviews, tour photos, but . . . can’t seem to keep up, these last couple weeks. hopefully soon, soon. for reviews, anyway….
Same theme—I need one with A) menus at the top, B) branching submenus, and C) a right panel/column—but everything’s moving much faster now. Upgraded my WordPress hosting stuff, cleaned up…
Been ignoring everything I could get away with ignoring since Dec1: started a novel that day. Finished Saturday. Think I said on X or BlueSky that it’s my first vampire…
Did it kind of arbitrarily well after midnight a night or two ago. Figured the old one, being a 2017-theme, was probably dragging a lot of slowdowns with it. But?…
I hope? Just noticing that, since I updated themes, some of the bookpages are formatting oddly (Chainsaw, Mannequins, Memorial Ride, “Wait for Night”—all the recent stuff). Can’t figure why ….
Well, really, links plural, but the visual gag doesn’t work in the plural: [ lou93 @ deviantart] Anyway, just took a fast and dirty click-tour through the Stories category here, and,…
something in the old theme was looping, chewing up all the memory, and it was also defaulting to the mobile version for desktop. so: new look, for a bit. just…
Guess the body of this post is pretty much in the subject line up there. Maybe again someday? Who knows. Just deactivated, didn’t delete. Wanted to see what the other…