

Set in the deep South, Mongrels is a deeply moving, sometimes grisly, and surprisingly funny novel that follows an unnamed narrator as he comes of age under the care of his aunt and uncle — who are werewolves. They are a family living on the fringe, struggling to survive in a society that shuns them: living in cars or trailers, moving every couple of months, eating from garbage cans, taking whatever work they can scrounge. Mongrels takes us on a compelling and fascinating journey into this dark and shadowy world, moving fluidly through time to create an unforgettable portrait of a yoy trying to understand his place in the world and in his close-knit family of outcasts. Never has the werewolf been so funny, so bloody, so raw and so real. Jones delivers a smart and innovative novel with heart.

— William Morrow

reviews : LA Times  |  #1  | #2   |   SciFiNow (UK)  |  LitReactor  |  DreadCentral  |  BookRiot (@2:55)  |  Literary Disco (@23:30) B&N Science Fiction and Fantasy  |  Locus  |  Project: Black T-Shirt (video review)  |  Shelf Stalker  |  Kirkus  | Cemetery Dance  |   Publishers Weekly  |  Examiner  |  Unwinnable  |  Witchsong  |  Booksellers Wrap-up  |  This is Horror  |  Dead End Follies  |  New York Journal of Books  |  Shock Totem  |    |  Easy Vegan  |  Lorelei by Starlight  |  San Diego City Beat  |  Library Thing  |  Summer  Reading  |  CJ Chipman Writes  |  Booked (podcast)  |  ReadersUnbound  |  LoveReading (UK)  | Anthony Watson  |  Bookshop Santa Cruz  |  Horror-Web  |  Book Riot  |  Theo Van Alst  |  Leafing Through Life  |  Downpour  |  Kevin Hearne  |  Cherie Priest  |  Coffee and Books  |  Buzzfeed  |  The Last Bookstore  |  Booklover’s Boudoir  |  Amy McLean  |  The Nervous Breakdown  |  Ginger Nuts of Horror  |  Unleash the Flying Monkeys  |  Brentwood Lib  |  Bookshop Santa Cruz  |  Reading the End  |  Review Graveyard  |  Word Basket  |  Living Dangerously  |  Horror Maiden  |  PaperBlog  |  Postcards from a Dying World  |  Real Dead Review  |  Blogorama  |Starburst  |  Thrillist  |  Char’s Corner  |  The Monitor  |  Cultured Vultures  |  Average Audience Member  |  ReadListenReview  |  Rain Taxi  |  BookRiot  |  SF Book Review  |   Tom Bont’s Silver Key  |  HorrorTalk  |  Strange Bookfellows  |  GuysLitWire  | Brazen Bull  |  SmashDragons  |  Deadsville  |  Gunnar Norskog  |  Vol 1 Brooklyn  |  Amazon UK reviews  |  The Blood-Shed  |  Unnerving Magazine  |  4th & Sycamore  |  Adapt This  |  Fantasy Book Critic  |  Snails & Wolves  |  Beavis the Bookhead  |  Reviewed by Mom  |  ll M. Feeney  |  Will Byrnes  |  Craig DiLouie  |  Project MUSE (Billy Stratton)  |  Very Biased Reviews  |  Horror Novel Reviews  |  LARB  |  Daily Dead News | Writer’s Block  |  CBC Books |  Castle Walls  |  Lela E. Buis  |   See the Elephant |  Booknest  |  Winsome Gates  |  Cedar Hollow Horror Reviews   |  GenreStorm  |   Unnerving  |  Metaphors and Moonlight  |  Bloody Flicks  |  Noosefere  |  Ex Libris  |  SciFi and Scary  |  Horror DNA  |  GrimDarkDad  |   Clement Martin  |  Grimdragon  |  F(r)iction  |  Library Cryptid  |  Ancillary Rvw of Bks  |   Allanah K. Pearson  |  Libros Y Literatura (SPN)  |  KerryLizBlack  |  Just a Word (FRN)  |  Ms. Richards Reads (vid)  |   Errant Dreams  |  DJ is Writing  |  Ophelie-Hervet  |  Native Lady Book Warrior  (vid) |  Ramblings of a 42 Year-Old Man (vid)  |  Books Bones & Buffy  |  Le Chaine Critic (vid)  |  Spooky Bitches (vid)  |  BookNookNoggin (vid)  |  Nerdy Narrative (vid)  |

 best-of (etc) lists : Tor’s 16 Best Books of 2016 (so far)  |  BookRiot’s 100 Monster Books  |  25 Summer Books  |  Bustle’s 12 Summer Reads  |   Shotgun Logic Top 5 (so far)  |  Best Books of 2016  |   Another Best of 2016  |  BookRiot’s Modern Monsters  |  Jason Sanford  |  Aqueduct (Jeffrey Ford)  |  Tim Meyer  |  David Agranoff  |  Frank Michael Serrington  |  John Boden  |  Glenn Rolfe  |  Paul Tremblay  |  HorrorMaiden  |  Mike Bracken/HorrorGeek  |  Bloodshot Books  |  Dumbbells & Dragons’ Best of 2016  |’s Reviewers’ Choices 2016  |  LitReactor Staff Picks 2016 (part 1)  |  LitReactor Staff Picks (part 2)  |  Emerging Writers Network  |  The Worthy Awards  |   Real Dead Review  |  Medium  |  Michael Matheson  |  KnowFearCast  |  HorrorTalk’s 10 from 2016  |  Read Diverse Books  |  Pank Magazine  |  X-Files Books @ BookRiot  |  B&N Best Horror of 2016  |  SciFiNow  |  POC to-reads  |  Locus  |  This is Horror  |  Head Full of Tropes  |  B&N “Not Stephen King” |  6 YA Books a Bookriot  |   HorrorTalk   |   CBC   |  Vulture  |   Crimereads   |  Reedsy  |  Summer Scares  |  Paste Magazine  |  Terrible Minds  |  Fiction Unbound  |  The Pixel Project  |  Best of the Decade |  The Millions  |  RA for All  |  The Line-Up (Datlow)  |  Westword  |  Mother Horror  |  Before We Blog  |  Our Own Worlds  |  |  |  Buzzfeed  |  Just a Word  |  Rue Morgue  |  The Line-Up (more)  |  Strange Horizons  |  Rue Morgue  |  Shepherd  |  Shipwrecked Sailor  |  Horror Spotlight  |  Becky Spratford Top 20 for Libraries  |

links : sample of what would become Mongrels  |  ch.1 OF Mongrels  |  the story of  Mongrels  | early covers  |  galleys  |  Audio  |  Goodreads  |  events / calendar  | signed copies (@Cocteau)  |  Library Lovefest  | What a Werewolf Drives  |  Playlists  |  Werewolves & Me  |  Mongrels Q&A  |  10 Werewolf Novels You Should Read  |  Yellow Books (WSJ)   |  Mongrels MicroBio  |  Disambiguation  |  Indians and Wolves  |  Wolf Man Turns 75 | “…Alchemy of the New” (  |  “Werewolves are Real”  |  Mongrels Q&A (2020)  |

interviews : Dallas Morning News  |  Muzzleland Press  |  Slug Magazine  |  ABQ Free Press  |  Denver’s Westword  |  This is Horror podcast pt.1  |  This is Horror podcast pt.2  |  Youtube  |  Cemetery Dance  |  Harper Voyager UK (guest post)  |  LitHub  |  Report from Santa Fe (TV)  |  Chewing the Scenery (podcast)  |  University of Colorado at Boulder  |  The Last Bookstore  |  CU A&S  |  Starburst  |  SciFiNow  |  Unreliable Narrators  |  Cultured Vultures  |  Miskatonic Musings (podcast)  |  Colorado Public Radio  |  Litsy  |  Boulder’s KGNU  |  High Country News  |  University of Colorado at Boulder  |  Waxwing  |  Lovecraft eZine

Q: What if I want a SIGNED Mongrels shipped to me?

A: Get to Fleuer Fine Books, they’ve got you covered.

Werewolves Out in the World, part: 123456789101112131415, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26

Turkish and Spanish. French:




(decoding that cover)

With hints of True Blood and Winter’s Bone, and with lupine tongue tucked well into cheek, Mongrels is at once an adolescent romp through the tangled woods of family history and a rich compendium of werewolf lore old and new. Stephen Graham Jones gifts us with fun characters, imaginative set pieces and an immersive tour of the flat-broke American South that spares no plastic orchid or cable spool coffee table.
Christopher Buehlman, author of Those Across the River and The Lesser Dead

You know how you once wished you were a werewolf? How you stood in front of the mirror and wanted to see a . . . transformation? Mongrels takes you by the hand, guides you down that road, finally, to that change.
Josh Malerman, author of Bird Box

Stephen Graham Jones has written a wondrous shapeshifter of a novel. Mongrels exists somewhere in the borderlands of literary and genre fiction, full of horror and humor and heart, at once a nightmarish road trip and a moving story about a broken family leashed together by their fierce love and loyalty. A bloody great read.
Benjamin Percy, author of The Dead Lands, Red Moon, and The Wilding

Mongrels left me speechless. Or breathless. Certainly without my dew claw. I mean, this book, it’s so smart, original, thrilling, horrifying, and human. A story about a broken family of werewolves on the run, never fitting in anywhere, trekking into the poorest parts of the southern US. And there’s that final, painful transformation, when they become your messed up werewolf family too, and you don’t ever feel poor or like a misfit. Not once.
Paul Tremblay, author of A Head Full of Ghosts and Disappearance at Devil’s Rock

Mongrels isn’t just a coming-of-age story or a horror story. It looks at the world through a disturbing, uncomfortable lens, and offers up a brutal mythology of werewolves. I’ve never seen anything quite like it and I won’t forget it anytime soon.
Carrie Vaughn, New York Times bestselling author of the Kitty Norville series

 general (SGJ) werewolfery:

werewolf happiness:

[ go here for the YouTube playlist ]

A Mongrels playlist:

[ not the one I wrote the novel to. more like the songs that kind of go with the novel. annotated version here. and here’s a Mongrels playlist from/by someone else]

And, an excellent, dreamy mongrel, via Jordan Dyke:

Jordan Dyke

[ go here for more like this ]

Amazing-cool art by Evan Cagle:

Get your merch here (click the image):

Screen Shot 2016-05-06 at 7.37.06 AM

Or, draw your own merch:


[ via @flyingwolfco ]

And here’s . . . Libby:

via Barbara Soares, PhD

Killer claws by Yennie Cheung:

Sort of a not-footnote, maybe addendum? SOMEthing: there was a blow-up/fallapart in the middle of this page, which I’m only finding in June 2024. but, it’s been so long since I’ve tinkered in here, I can’t remember what my rationale once was for however it’s designed. And? It’s put together in an old WordPress way to boot, which makes it much more complicated. So, in short, I’ll past in below the weirdness that turned up in the middle of a link or something way above—pasting it in mostly because I fear that if I don’t, all these links turn to smoke, are gone forever. Trick is? I’m not sure where or how they’re actually supposed to be anymore . . .

Here goes:

recent Mongrels clicks :

SciFiNow (review) SciFiNow (interview) SF Book Review Buzzfeed LA Times WestWord (Denver) Dallas Morning News (interview) Starburst (interview) Starburst (review) New York Journal of Books The Monitor LitReactor DreadCentral BookRiot (@2:55) BookRiot (list) B&N Science Fiction and Fantasy Shelf Stalker Kirkus Publishers Weekly Examiner Witchsong Booksellers Wrap-up This is Horror pt.1 This is Horror pt.2 Dead End Follies Shock Totem Locus Library of Congress ABQ event GRRM event Mongrels merchandise Project: Black T-Shirt (video review) Library Lovefest Library Thing Werewolf playslists Santa Fe TV (also here) Booked (podcast review) Werewolves & Me” (vid) Mongrels MicroBio Bookshop Santa Cruz Horror-Web University of Colorado Boulder Booklover’s Boudoir Chewing the Scenery (podcast interview) Wolf Man’s 75th Book Riot Living Dangerously The Nervous Breakdown Audiobook Reviewer The Last Bookstore (review) The Last Bookstore (interview) Best of 2016 #1 in DenverTattered Cover event Boulder Bookstore event Easy Vegan Muzzleland Press Slug Magazine ABQ Free Press This is Horror (podcast) Cemetery Dance (interview) Cemetery Dance (review) Harper Voyaker UK  Lorelei by Starlight Social media screencaps pt.1 Social media screencaps pt.2 Social media screencaps pt.3 Social media screencaps pt.4 Social media screencaps pt.5 Social media screencaps pt.6 Social media screencaps pt.7 Social media screencaps pt.8 Social media screencaps pt.9 Social media screencaps pt.10 Social media screencaps pt.11 San Diego City Beat What a Werewolf Drives LitHub PaperBlog Disambiguation ReadersUnbound Mongrels Q&A Anthony Watson LoveReading (UK) Mongrels: the Texas Leg 25 Summer Reads Theo Van Alst Postcards from  Dying World Yellow Books (WSJ) 10 Werewolf Novels Real Dead Review Downpour Thrillist (summer reads) Cultured Vultures
{again: not sure what this is, but this might be part of it? “go here for the all the clicks”}
Author: SGJ