Category: comic books

Best of 2019

Just like last year, I had this idea that doing a monthly post would make it a snap to figure out my best of the years: just scroll through, it’ll be obvious. I wish. Though it does make it easier to remember stuff from before summer, say. So, without further whatever, and by category, and including stuff I only FOUND in 2019, and just going plural for some instead of staging ties:



easy choice, obvious choice, c’mon. this one’
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Best Reads from Lately

This paste-in isn’t going to be as bulletpoint-neat as before, with quotation marks and titles. But that’s just because I skipped a month of posting these, so they kind of built up, became a job. Anyway, for some reason some embeds create blank space right after them, which is kind of unkillable. Sorry for the weirdlookingness, and the occasional bulletpoint for what would seem to be no reason, but really that’s the only way to keep the link from trying, and …

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No Dialogue

Odd: the two things that bubbled up in my Twitter feed this morning are both emotional things that don’t require the characters actually speaking. Pretty cool:

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Good one

TED talk. Been around forever, but I’m just now catching it somehow:

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