Category: events

Don’t Fear the Reaper tour: Boulder

Wow, ending this whole wild ride right back where I live—where I usually live, anyway. So cool. Have never packed this place either, but, there were people sitting to either side as well. Such a good Q&A, and it’s always the best, speaking with Arsen and Maeve. The radio + podcast version should post . . . in March, I think?

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Don’t Fear the Reaper tour: Denver

Have done a lot of events at Tattered Cover over the last dozen or so years, but I’ve never managed to fill the place such that they had to bring out more chairs. Was the best time. Snowy-bad night—really appreciate everybody making the trek.

As for me, once again, I skated in about forty-five seconds before the event was going live. And? They’d whipped up a special drink, even:

And then it was getting to talk into mics with Erika, which is always the best time:

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Don’t Fear the Reaper tour: San Diego

First, it was Brian Asman on the rocking intro:

Then it was getting to talk with RJ Crowther—who’s IN the acknowledgements of Reaper!
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Don’t Fear the Reaper tour: Austin

Was in town for this this this:

With these guys:

And we got to introduce, get everybody screaming “We made you!”

And then it was the live recording, and the signing of many-many books, and the B…

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Don’t Fear the Reaper tour: Pittsburgh

First time I saw where I was going to be was online:

And, man was it a cool place:

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Don’t Fear the Reaper tour: NYC

I can’t shake these two into the right order, but, few interviews before hitting The Strand—this being one of them:

video should be turning up before too long . . .

And another:

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Don’t Fear the Reaper Tour: Cleveland

Started out like this, from the so-many-signatures of the night before:

And, man, one thing I never get to do on the road…

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Don’t Fear the Reaper Tour: Chicago

Started out talking with Becky Spratford for B&N:
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Losers Book Club

Great time:

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