Category: SGJ

The Olden Days

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Special Issue

Of Transmotion, on my stuff. Supercool. Download the issue in PDF if you want:
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SGJ Society

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Bradbury Bradbury Bradbury

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My 2022

Was going to say this was the fastest of all the years, but, really, man, the last two or three have been like stepping on a slip-n-slide, then just trying to keep my balance somewhat, splashing into other countries (Dubai, France, Spain. was in a Iceland for a bit, I guess. missed Germany, but Italy’s soon), juggling a new comic book (Earthdivers, which just keeps on selling all its copies out) and my first audio-only novel (The Babysitter Lives, with the amazing Isabell…

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Couple-three cool things

One with a lot of covers, one with all the spines, and one with no spines but all the heart:

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Recent stuff

With one (probably more? I’m not the most organized) missing: Predator: Eyes of the Demon. Oh, also missing: Marvel Voices: Heritage. And I guess Howl: an Indigenous Anthology of Wolves, Werewolves, and Rougarou (I forgot, put it on the shelf. but . . . I think I may have already put a snap of it up somewhere in here?).

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Missives from a dying (bird)land . . .
Continue Reading Missives from a dying (bird)land . . .