Attack of the 50 Foot Indian

“Every government of every nation debates what to do when a fifty-foot tall man, dressed in a loincloth and dripping from the sea, appears off the Siberian coast. As the American people puzzle over how he came to be and what to do next, the news outlets start calling the titan “Two Moons,” social media abducts him into the memesphere, and the military, well, they have their own action-plan for dealing with threats to what they mistakenly consider their homeland.

With una…

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Night of the Mannequins

From Stephen Graham Jones returns with Night of the Mannequins, a contemporary horror story where a teen prank goes very wrong and all hell breaks loose: is there a supernatural cause, a psychopath on the loose, or both?

at: | Amazon | BN | Boulder Bookstore | Tattered Cover | |

Bram Stoker Award wrap-up!

links: Goodreads | Publisher’s Weekly | Library Journal | Cemetery Dance | Goodreads | NetGalley | The Scariest Things | Locus | Ni

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My Heart is a Chainsaw

You won’t find a more hardcore eighties slasher fan than high school senior Jade Daniels. And you won’t find a place less supportive of girls who wear torn t-shirts and too much eyeliner than Proofrock, nestled eight thousand feet up the mountain in Idaho, situated in Pleasant Valley right alongside Indian Lake, home to both Camp Blood — site of a massacre fifty years ago — and Terra Nova, a modern-day American Camelot currently under construction, which is quic…

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Brief mess-up

I hope? Just noticing that, since I updated themes, some of the bookpages are formatting oddly (Chainsaw, Mannequins, Memorial Ride, “Wait for Night”—all the recent stuff). Can’t figure why . . . yet. I think it might have to do with them being Pages instead of Posts (here in WordPress). Will investigate when I have time, here. Apologies in the meanwhile for any weirdnesses.


Edit, update: yep, this theme’s displaying WP Pages . . . wei…

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Locus Award Finalist

Times TWO! So lucky, so honored—The Only Good Indians and “Wait for Night“:
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Super excited to be in this. Link goes to the Kickstarter campaign:

kickstarter here
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