Month: March 2012

Couple three links

New interview up, from Lance Olsen and Trevor Dodge’s Architectures of Possibility: After Innovative Fiction. Here.

New story up at Juked, my first one to feature Mr. Rod Serling: “Submitted for Your Approval.”

Piece of flash horror up at This Is Horror, “Evolution, 2:00am,” and it’s got the coolest illustration ever. But you got to click to see it.

Too, anybody remember that story (also from Juked) “Zombie Sharks with Metal

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The Edge of Dark Water

Way the Baptists saw it, that dunk in the river made it sure you was going to heaven, even if before or later you knew a cow in the biblical sense and set fire to a crib with the baby in it — Lansdale, this book

When I’m pushing Joe R. Lansdale’s The Bottoms on somebody, I’ll usually tell them that it’s in the same vein as To Kill a Mockingbird, kind of. Except it’s exciting, and has blood, and scary stuff. And those people, they usually come back and te…

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New and super short story up at the always-cool Spinetingler. “Kittens.”

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