Author: SGJ

Modern Love

One of my favorite Bowie songs, sure, but, too, the name of a story of mine up over at Everyday Genius today. …

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The Least of My Scars

Chapter one’s up, over at the very cool Plots With Guns.…

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Little Lambs

Iron Horse 11.3‘s out in the world now — in my mailbox anyway — and it’s got one of my favorite stories I’ve written in it, “Little Lambs.” Also a self-interview (it involved telepathic dogs, possibly aliens — the usual?). Too, it’s the alumni issue, so it’s especially cool to me, being in this with all these people I know. Also also, it’s got this on back, which I kind of dig:

IH 11.3


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Readercon 2009

Readercon report: got to sit down with Ellen Datlow, got to shake hands with Peter Straub, got to listen to Samuel Delaney and Gene Wolf talk, got to be on a panel with John Crowley, got to hang with friends new and old — Paul Tremblay, Laird Barron, Michael Cisco — bought so many Weird Tales and excellent books, nabbed too many Underland Press stickers, met Sean Wallace, my new editor, slept very little, got lots of cool links that maybe I’ll post in here later, …

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Aliens and Hamsters and Pianos

Which is to say, three new stories, “Piano Theif” and “Because My Therapist Asked Me to Tell a Story Using Hamsters,” each over at the July Hobart, and “Close Encounters,” up now at 365 Tomorrows. Also, “Endless Buffets” is in the current Western Humanities Review. And, hitting the shelves at Readercon in a week here, in New Genre 6, “Lonegan’s Luck,” a zombie western — or, a western with zombi…

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Three Stories, One Interview

First story, “Monsters,” with Niteblade. A nice little ‘What I did this summer’-story. Or, ‘What I did this summer and who-all died,’ kind of, I suppose.

Second story, in the “Broken Clocks” issue of ColoredChalk, “Good Times.” It goes maybe three hunrdred words? Not even that, likely. Things take a pretty sharp turn down some hill, though. One nobody should ever really ever even look down.

Third story, &…

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We Have Always Wanted to Live in that Castle

Looks like The Long Trial of Nolan Dugatti‘s up for a NDgShirley Jackson award (!, yep). Here’s the field:


  • Disquiet, Julia Leigh, (Penguin/ Hamish Hamilton)
  • “Dormitory,” Yoko Ogawa (The Diving Pool, Picador)
  • Living With the Dead, Darrell Schweitzer (PS Publishing)
  • The Long Trial of Nolan Dugatti, Stephen Graham Jones (Chiasmus Press)
  • “N,” Stephen King, (Just After Sunset, Scribner)
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Me and My Ansible

My take on the Kindle2, over at Slushpile. Click here to get there.

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Got a new story up over there, “How Billy Hansen Destroyed the Planet Earth, and Everyone on It.” A happy little piece. Only six or seven billion people die, I mean.

So, click here to get there.…

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From the Trenches: Preliminary Kindle 2 Report, or, ‘My Ansible and Me’

From the Trenches: Preliminary Kindle 2 Report, or, ‘My Ansible and Me’

Before I offer anything like a review, a quick sketch about where I’m coming from with regards to all this :

  1. Even though Tofu for Mac is great, still, I absolutely despise reading on-screen — CRT, flat, whatever else there is (though I guess I’ve yet to try near-eye). And this kind of complicates the whole being a novelist thing. So, what I’ve been doing since I gradua
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