Category: etc

James Welch

is still James Welch, but now he’s also a Google Doodle. So, so cool, the whole searching world seeing a Blackfeet face when a new tab opens. I vote we keep this one for a while:


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I’m going to start this out in a way I’ve never felt I had to start anything out online: this is just me, talking. Not for any of the schools I teach at, any organizations I’m in. Just me, on my personal site. Check the URL up there: it’s my name, one of my book titles. There’s no corporate or university brands or endorsements or intended associations or anything here. Just me and me alone. Why I’m doing that? Because I’m not sure what co…

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Halloween Gifs

These are the two I can watch for pretty much ever, I suspect:




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The Ones That Got Away in Italian soon

Racconti is putting it out November 10th or so, here. They’re the publisher with the dead bug:


Pretty cool group of people, near as I can tell. And, as the title-in-English loses its punch in Italian, they dialed back to the collection’s original title, “The Meat Tree.”

Here‘s their page on it, with the full jacket, but here’s just the front of it. Pretty cool stuff:



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My First Reading, ca. 1993/1994

Digging through some old boxes, stumbled onto this little pamphlet. Way I remember my first reading, it was for this story “West Texas Dirt” I’d won an award for, in 1994, the last year of my undergrad work at Texas Tech. I guess I must have done this one too, though—with a friend I’d go onto MA-land with, Ashley.

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Bill Wenthe was the real draw, of course. As he should have been, and still is. Dude writes some solid poetry.

Also, I was so sure that that “…

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This is so right, so real. It’s how you feel, growing up in Texas, then one day leaving.

[ from Terms of Endearment ]

Then, once you’re somewhere else, this is always playing in all your backgrounds:

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Blair Witch

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The Stanley

One of the cooler group-photos I’ll ever get to have been in, I suspect, since, I mean, it’s too late for me to photobomb The Right Stuff or Reservoir Dogs, or sneak into that hot tub with Steve McQueen, or jump off the roof behind Joan Didion’s Vette:


And, for reference, here’s the original:


So cool that Pablo Kiolseth remembered the right way to hold his hands at the front of the shot. Though, had I been actually thinking ahead, I’d have had my Ze

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Writing: It Takes a Village

For the thing I’m writing right now, I of course needed info. This is just for today and yesterday, too. Here’s the process:

  • What’s a likely military-cargo plane out of the Middle East?  ➔ called my dad (retired USAF)
  • Where’s John Wayne buried? ➔ asked Google
  • How does a doctor get certified to perform surgery? ➔ facebook-mailed a doctor-friend (who’s also a writer)
  • What other Road Rage-ish kind of stories are out there? ➔ texted a friend, ende
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Writers, Writing (and not)

Makes me half-nervous, making fun, as I know you see your own frailties best in others. But still—well, I don’t like coffee, or beer, or fine dining. But I’m sure I’m a poser in some way all the same:

List of Things That Don’t Make You A Writer

When I moved to Austin, I was surprised to learn that every guy and gal hanging out at a coffee shop was a novelist, every barista was sitting on a few truly outstanding, and unpublished, literary masterpieces, and ev

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