Category: interviews, etc

Couple-three recent interviews

(think I’m at 1:06 in there? that’s hours and minutes, not minutes and seconds)…

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Interview that got away

Thanks to Robb for the headsup—not sure I ever even knew about it (2010, though, so: could have forgot), but, I must have known something, as these are my answers. Will put the image below, in case X/Twitter goes away, or stuff can’t be embedded, or a Tesla trucks metastasizes into a Go-Bot or something and takes over the world:

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Few More Interviews

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When in Spain, 2023 version

Was there in November—Madrid first, then Barcelona, right up until Turkey Day here in the States—but started that vampire novel right after, so: am only just now posting the media from that week and a half there. Not sure where all the photos &etc ended up, but, here’s what I find, scraping Twitter:

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Recent interviews, podcasts

Been a month or so since I did this, so . . . gonna be a longish post—lot going on for Halloween season, for Earthdivers vol.1 season, for Reaper trade:

Interview: GrimDark Magazine:

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Red Nation

Join TRN Podcast cohost Nick Estes for a live interview this Wednesday (10/4/23) at 3PM ET with Stephen Graham Jones to discuss his most recent book, Don’t Fear the Reaper, and Indigenous horror in general.
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Recent interviews, podcasts, much etc.

at 17:30, I believe

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