Category: interviews, etc

Recent interviews, videos, tv, etc
which doesn’t play in America, maybe? full vid, I mean. which is here: It’s so cool, though. I mean, not me, but the montage they put together ON me.
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Recent interviews & podcasts

here’s proof of how much laughing we did:

got to talk Scream 2022:

Did an interview while I was in Dubai:
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Couple of interviews

Well, one interview, and a 2022 resolution:
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Couple of Chainsaw interviews

One on video, the other in text:

powered by Crowdcast

or, click here, if that embed’s failing

the click

(and, that link for the Kobo interview just above, here . . . I don’t completely trust it, but it’s the best I can come up with. I think once the interview’s aged a week or two, then the actual/proper link will be available for me to copy into here. however? will I remember, will I remember . . . )…

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