Category: Uncategorized

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Calling it

It’s Halloween season

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Best of 2022 so far: for July

Think I’ve been back in Colorado about . … twelve hours, this month? So, light pickings here. Read a few books, but none of them are out yet, or even have covers. Mostly been A) writing a novel in between things, and B) writing and editing and hacking on comic scripts. I did rewatch the Baywatch remake on a plane, for happiness, but it’s probably already in this list, in some way previous year. Still? I feel like I’ve forgotten to crib a thing or two down. But, they’re in my head and my he…

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30 Days of SGJ?

Starting here (I think/hope this is a playlist embed . . . somehow):

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Brackets & Books

Not sure how to get there to vote, but I keep seeing the tweets roll past (Good Indians vs. Frankenstein, Good Indians vs. The Hunger):

this might be a link?…

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Got a story in here, too

Continue Reading Got a story in here, too

Best of 2022 so far: for May

Continue Reading Best of 2022 so far: for May