Hey, cool being on that LA Times bestseller list:
Stephen Graham Jones on His New Slasher Novel “My Heart Is a Chainsaw” | Westword
My Heart is a Chainsaw is a love letter to slasher movies, outcasts, resilience. Jade is instantly iconic- so many layers and every single one of them is a gut punch. Just be careful if your jaw hits the floor,you might not get it back. And the final moment? Perfection. pic.twitter.com/BA5WwFp2ly
— Kimberly Davis Basso kdbwrites all the places (@KDBWrites) September 9, 2021
This school year, I’m embracing Billy Collins’ Poetry 180 and starting every class @GoMHSDukes with a reading. Today’s poem was amazing, and I kept thinking of Jade in @SGJ72 My Heart is a Chainsaw. https://t.co/nOFKBxff9u
— Chris DiLeo (@authordileo) September 8, 2021
The newest batch of #UnlikelyPicks is up! So many cool book covers! Order these titles at https://t.co/0J338Pt771 #newreleases #amreading @colsonwhitehead @tjklune @torbooks @rickriordan pic.twitter.com/5WgDjbo0gG
— An Unlikely Story (@unlikelybkstore) September 9, 2021
Powell’s Pick!! @UCRPDLRMFA @SGJ72 @Powells pic.twitter.com/tEyq0wI78Q
— Emily St. Martin (@ByEmilyStMartin) September 10, 2021
😲😲 *gasps in slasher* This just sent me to a new dimension… an inscribed + signed @SGJ72 book?! I'm a super happy and lucky person 🥰 pic.twitter.com/y2TuGwPGJL
— It's me. Hi. It's Alex. (Taylor's Version) ✨🧣💎🕛 (@finding_montauk) September 11, 2021
Been a big fan of @SGJ72's work since I read The Fast Red Road in a class at the U of AZ in 2003. But holy wow, in the last 5-6 novels he just keeps ratcheting to the next level. Raising that bar again w/ #myheartisachainsaw, his love letter to 80's horror! #thisonegoestoeleven pic.twitter.com/2pWutxeKns
— Billy J. Stratton (@BillyJStratton) September 11, 2021
Double feature, courtesy of slasher experts @ClaireCWrites and @SGJ72 pic.twitter.com/y0lsEzm06V
— H is going to be published (@hedwig5150) September 13, 2021
Looking for more #horror after the 2pm panel at @PrintersRowFest? Stop by for the best genre fiction selection in #Chicago! Open 12pm-7pm Wed-Sun. New and used titles from @SGJ72 @grady_hendrix @jacjemc @joe_hill and a zillion more (not pictured) pic.twitter.com/r73bN5lIfX
— Bucket O'Blood (@Bucketoblood) September 11, 2021