I can’t shake these two into the right order, but, few interviews before hitting The Strand—this being one of them:

And another:
Which is here:
And somewhere in there, heading up to the Simon & Schuster offices, I saw THIS in the lobby of 30 Rock:

Just Joe and me:

And then a solo shot or two:

AND, waiting many-many floors up . . . CHIPOTLE meet and greet!

Next, after a quick change (the QUICKEST change), it was pre-signing:

Even got a video of it:
And, after a quick visit to the Halloween store, and ducking into Forbidden Planet to sign some Earthdivers, sneaking over to a restaurant to eat Andy Mitton’s leftover fries real fast—

—and a few minutes of being lost/sure I was going to be late to my third event in a row:
Which is hair down/horns on. And here’s hair up/no horns:
Here’s some clips from it all:
And . . . horns on, hair up:
But Rupa wears them better than I do:
Always the best, hanging with Ellen:
And that was NYC! Couldn’t have been a better whirlwind of a time. Think I was in town for less than twenty-four hours? Next up: Pittsburgh.