Draw the line HERE…

[ all the entries and posts and pages &etc below this timestamp are wrong. just all stuff I copied over from the old/other site. so, yeah, I could go into the mySQL table(s), rig the times to some approximation of what they are, or were, but, too, I kind of like the idea of all the dates in here bottoming out in late January, here (right after I turned 34…). however, this place being shiny new and all that, if you find any deadlinks or navigational dead ends or get caught in some spin-cycle somewhere, let me know. the only issue I’m aware of right now, with the place half-built, is that that ATBS script/PDF over in Exclusives might have enough security stuff going on with it that Mozilla isn’t just superfond of opening it. at least my Mozilla. IE’s no problem, however. Trick is, legally, I’m not supposed to make it printable. so, I don’t know: good luck. ]

Author: SGJ