Heavy Day

I mean, like, literally. Each of these boxes are about fifty pounds, I’d guess:

Also the other kind of heavy, though—the Back to the Future kind of heavy, except this is about the past: those are all my papers. Every manuscript, all my undergraduate and graduate files, a bit of teaching stuff, my PhD comps, every convention and festival and conference program I’ve saved, every floppy and Zip disk I made at some point, all the posters I’ve got, twenty-seven y…

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Daunserly Light

Yeah, Twitter, like everything else, is imperfect, but when you see it crowdsourcing like this—just random people dogpiling a question—then it’s a bit closer, anyway (also? been researching this stuff for a story, so, was lucky to stumble into this):

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Ready Player One

This is kind of the music-only equivalent of Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny, yes?


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Back Cover Copy

Strikes me that the reason a lot of novels start out so slowly is that they don’t take into account the version of the catalog copy on their back cover. That copy nearly always gives away the central conceit or trick or surprise of the novel, but the novel, pretending to itself that it exists as pages only, no marketing involved, plays its central whatever close to the vest for eighty or a hundred pages, taking the reader up an agonizingly slow incline to the first of its twist…

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Psycho Cat

I think this will be only the second cat-related thing I’ve ever posted in all my internet years (before then, it was just leaving cat-related stuff on utility poles, I guess) (which I was a fiend for). The other is this Mapquest cat, whom I so completely identify with. This is maybe even cooler, though:

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Bram Stoker Award for Mapping the Interior

Amazing-cool. So honored. Couldn’t be there this time around, but could follow along online, and with people texting.

It starts here:

Then a zoom in on the night’s proceedings:

Then Rena Mason and Victor LaValle presenting for Mapping‘s category, long fiction:

And here’s Paul Tremblay accepting, with Mackenzie Kiera behind the camera:

Here’s a full list of everyone who got a Bram Stoker Award this year. 

And, finally, the actual award, wh

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Bandanna land

haven’t seen one yet, but I keep hearing about these:

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This may be the coolest ep of Shockwaves yet. Just listening to John Landis. Man.

Image result for shockwaves blumhouse landis

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