Author: SGJ
@loulous.cocina Skyview Drive-In Movie Theatre Chihuahua!! #drivein #chihuahua #snack #movietheatre #moviesnack #tostada #westtexas #lamesa #texas #texmexfood #easyrecipe #skyview ♬ Good Vibes (Instrumental) – Ellen Once Again
…Reviews, lists, interviews–not cleaned up to properly embed, just dropped into the waters, asked to swim in this post (as I have copyedits I need to start today. Buffalo Hunter Hunter‘s not cleaning itself up):
So many that aren’t here anymore. They all break my heart. But, speaking of, everyone should read Howard Waldrop’s “The Ugly Chickens.”
…All these weeks later, can I still find some snapshots to document I Was a Teenage Slasher winging it from NYC to San Diego? Let’s see, let’s see:
Launch-day was shooting video for The Buffalo Hunter Hunter at Simon & Schuster, but ALSO seeing Tolly and Ambs in the main display case at ground-level in that building that always makes me feel like I’m on a Conan remote—that he’s about to pe…
Told myself when I Was a Teenage Slasher came out—not a good idea to stand some metric/threshold like this up, I know, but . . . it’s hard to do only smart things?—that I’d look at its review count on Goodreads a month out, and, if it’d crossed 1000, I’d be thrilled beyond thrilled, as that’s pretty fast to accumulate that many readers, and reader responses. So? Still two days shy of a month, I guess—though, maybe this is the fourth Tuesday?—and:
Over at Amazon:
The Devil’s Rejects movie review (2005) | Roger Ebert
A Brief History of Time Travel – McSweeney’s Internet Tendency
KUOW – Seattle crows are so smart, they’re challenging what we know about evolution
Whenever I see one, I put it somewhere in/on this site. But? It’s all scattered. So, this is now, hopefully, going to be the sort of “Master Stack of Tats,” if that can be a thing. I’ll link the tweet or wherever they showed up, but I’ll also harvest the image out, put it in a gallery (in case whatever social media fizzes away). And? Not sure this is all of them. It’s some of them, though. I’ll do my game-best to keep it updated, too. Havin…