
  • just/finally found and watched that SCREAM & SCREAM AGAIN slasher documentary. excellent stuff. wish I’d had it for DEMON THEORY. would have saved a lot of legwork
  • just finding out about THE REMAKE, somehow. here. looks excellent. and, I’m sure it’s on IMDb somewhere, but I can’t seem to find it.
  • talking YouTube, too (where that last link shoots you), I snagged a lot of clips/vids, pasted them up here (MySpace, yeah–they just seem to keep letting me push more and more stuff onto their servers, with no cap in sight. so of course, yeah, I’m going to abuse my privileges, here. it’s what I do). just the stuff that makes me extrasuper happy. you may have to sign in to see them or something, though, not sure.
  • and, DEMON THEORY: I’m pretty sure we’re like T minus 6-7 days, here. but, I know, I’ve said that before, probably.
  • too, I think TAMARA hits DVD shelves here on the 9th, or so. Maybe right about when DEMON THEORY will (all part of the plan…)
Author: SGJ