Month: May 2007

And This is My Knee on Drugs…

acl & meniscus fix

[ whole lot of staples requiring a whole lot of pills. ACL & meniscus + some good old fashioned osteo-chondral drilling (ie, microfracture surgery). crutches and a wheelchair. all a grand conspiracy to keep me from hitting Pirates of the Caribbean 3 ]

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Couldn’t be happier: Asimov’s has picked up a story of mine, “do(this).” Lucky days. Out in . . . Well, it’s either a lot like or the direct opposite of what Sean Connery says in . . . I’m thinking it’s Highlander? Somebody asks him about something that happened, and he gets all reflective and flashbacky and says, with a little chin stroking, “Ah yes, that was in the past . . . ” (his Scottish ellipses). All of which is to s…

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Good news, good news (wish I could say that in that wheezy, exuberant, already squinting because he’s about to be hit with a hat way Rosco P. Coltrane could). FC2‘s going to be publishing my novel Ledfeather. Couldn’t be happier. For me, it’s to Fast Red Road as Return of the Jedi was to Star Wars. not the most claro image, but that's his trademark expression, the one where you can hear the sound he's makingBut without the teddy bear picnic, of course. However, whereas with Fast I was really and consciously trying my best to undo the whole tradition of the novel, L

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Just a couple links

As opposed to a ‘couple-three’ links, yeah. Which I’ve really always loved saying, but hated hearing.

Anyway, was digging through about 22,000 emails, and unearthed a couple of links I’d meant to post in here, like this:

  • the illustration for that “Raphael” story. only one even half as cool’s the one Cemetery Dance (also) had done for that “Father, Son, Holy Rabbit”-one. but of course too I’m all romantica
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