Category: news

Cult Wkshop / DMON Update / Bleed rvw

click over on the image for the full scoop on the workshop I’m running over at the Cult May 21st – June 21st. thanks to Minuet over at the Cult for it too (the image), which I probably don’t even have permission to be posting here.

too, I tried to corral some of my less-confused thoughts on genre and writing into a little piece, here.

and, I know today’s supposed to be the “T-minus 7 days and counting” trick for DEMON THEORY, according to Amazo…

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The Meat Tree

[ click the image to hit the story ]


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Demon Theory bannersneak

This is the first Demon Theory banner, anyway:

[ and no, no clue how to get that animation to restart–‘refresh’ doesn’t seem to do it. anybody know how? ]

If you make any more, just stuff them somewhere over at the Velvet, or link me to them through the comments here, or what-/however.…

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Bleed Award

I’d guess this is either posted around somewhere or is about to be, but, anyway, this past weekend I was in Austin, at the Texas Institute of Letters awards banquet, where Bleed Into Me was lucky enough to pull their Jesse Jones Award for fiction. A serious honor.

Anyway, if there’s any recordings of the event, I don’t know about it. I do have this one snapshot from it (well, I also came away with a check…). More important, though, the intro CW Smith gave f…

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Workshop at the Cult

As some of you may have noticed, come the end of May, I’m doing a fiction workshop over at The Cult. Should be a ball. The theme or focus of push of the workshop’s likely going to have something to do with stories that don’t bore me. Which is to say stories that trade in extremes rather than subtleties. But yeah, that do so with language clear and precise and evocative. Anyway, more later I’m sure. Click on the Cult image here to go their post about it.

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Cemetery Dance stories

Another one coming out there, one of my favorite stories of any I’ve ever written. so, to sum up the forthcoming Cemetery Dance stuff:

  • “Raphael,” in #55 (right about to be out–might be out exactly when DEMON THEORY is, really)
  • “Hell on the Homefront Too,” sometime later
  • “Father, Son, Holy Rabbit,” some other time.

very cool mag, and very cool press, too.…

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Upcoming & Current

  • another story in Cemetery Dance. a zombie-piece. too, if you don’t subscribe to their newsletter, I’d recommend it. if you’re into horror, I mean. lots of the bargains/sales they’re always doing, then intervws and reviews and all that good stuff.
  • an interview on Misnomer. looking like it’ll post there tomorrow. was a blast to do, and hopefully I didn’t say anything too terrible.
  • too, the first review of DEMON THEORY‘s out, in
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Demon Theory sneaks

Just realized we’re T-minus four weeks on Demon Theory. Usually by now galleys/ARCs would have been floating around, but, gremlins being what they are, we’re holding our breaths for the final copies instead. Which might make it all cooler, even.

Still, though, I feel kind of bad about not giving any sneak peaks.

So–and yeah, this may get pulled, as I’m kind of doing it without permission–here’s twenty or thirty of the first pages of DE

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The Man Who Would Cross Time.

Juked just pasted it up on their very cool walls.

( as for my feelings for time-travel, I think there’s a thread somewhere on the Velvet already. to sum it up here, though: it’s a hard call for me, between time travel and werewolves. and that’s saying more than a lot )…

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Demon Theory update / thanks

I touched Demon Theory for the final time last Monday, at about six minutes shy of seven in the morning. It’s maybe at the printer’s now. Still an April 13th release, as far as I know. But yeah, people keep asking for galleys, ARCs. The story of that: all the formatting explosions Demon Theory started (typical software and 2006 processor speeds can’t contain the thing it is) kept pushing ARCs back more and more, until it was pretty much too late to mess with the…

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