Teenage Slasher tour stops!

Hope to see some/all of you on the slasher road in a couple weeks. It starts in NYC, at The Strand, and then wends and winds across America. Not listed here is San Diego Comic Con—I’m a last-minute add, but will likely be doing a signing or something at the Simon & Schuster/Saga booth? Will try to say here when and if I know.

And . . . the stop-by-stop graphics/links, maybe even in order:

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ALA in San Diego

Doing this and many more events, next couple of days:

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The Buffalo Hunter Hunter

Set in 2012, in 1912, and in 1870, this is a series of conversations between an aging Lutheran pastor in Miles City, Montana and a Blackfeet vampire, but it’s also a conversation with—interrogation of?—history, and justice, and retribution. With . . . no small amount of blood drinking, and plenty of that good old epistolary action.

Excerpt at People magazine

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Bury Your Gays

Honored to be a character in this one, out next week:

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The Horror, the Horror!

Continue Reading The Horror, the Horror!

Here comes the backlist

Whole thread, which should keep growing. Thanks, Greg:

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New new new, here here here

In my hands, close to my heart, only thing I can think about:

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