Three Things

1. Just got a story, “Lonegan’s Luck,” accepted by New Genre. Like most stories if you peel them back far enough, this one, too, is a zombie western. Nearly forty pages of it.

2. Doomsday opens tomorrow. Very excited. Looks like all the elements I look for in high-calibre, life-altering cinema, they’re here. Which is to say that if Tina Turner waltzes on, starts singing, that’ll only make things twice as good. Too, cool that Rhona Mitra’…

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Happiness is a Book

Specifically, The Ones That Almost Got Away: A Collection.

Even more specific, The Ones That Almost Got Away: A Collection of fifteen horror stories.

By me, I mean.

From Sean Wallace at Prime Books.

Fall 2009.

One more Halloween I’ll hardly be able to wait for.…

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Getting (more) (and more) Depraved

Another interview, this one over at Depraved Press, with Jesse Wichterman, who asks some good questions. Mostly we just talk about politics and the climate and religion, and what role Dee Snyder could play in all of them, in a just-slightly different reality. Or even in this one. Then of course, when Snyder isn’t the best fit, we fall back on Blackie Lawless, who’s always dependable in a pinch, especially where weighty issues are concerned, but finally settle on …

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Or, ‘cyber’ with maybe some ‘lycanthropy,’ anyway. Chocolate and peanut butter, man. Conan and Red Sonja. Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie. Or, well. All I mean is that my story “Deviants,” bam, it’s now in Red Fez 13.


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This Much I Know Is True Works

So a while back, I started a list like this but it got all out of hand, yeah, turned into that House of Fiction thing, which was really just a version of this other post, I suppose. When all I really wanted was something short, to pin up by my monitor, help me keep it between the lines, all that. Except of course writing ‘rules,’ I mean, Vonnegut‘s laid them down, Elmore Leonard‘s done it, Twain‘s got them, Palahniuk‘s messed around with it, a…

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Captain’s Lament

is now live over at Clarkesworld. Click the supercool cover here to hit it:


Too, looks like that Cemetery Dance with “Hell on the Homefront Too” (and an interview, seems like maybe a Demon Theory review too) is almost live, or may be in people’s mail already. …

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Ledfeather &etc

Ledfeather’s alive and kicking over at the FC2 site. However, as the cover there’s kind of a thumbnail, here’s a bigger one:

LF cvr

And, talking Amherst, the Massachussets one (surely there’s another somewhere), that’s where I am the week after next, reading aloud.…

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Santa Slays

Just got it in the mail, that Doorways I’m in:

doorways christmas

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Three Fast Things, Plus More

  • The Golden Compass is one of the more amazing movies I’ve seen all year. Best fantasy since Pan’s Labyrinth, I’d say. Too, so, so sad I didn’t read the book first. No way to remedy that now, of course, but, can try to make up for it anyway. Also on-list: Inkheart.
  • The Girl Next Door is, yes, look-away-from kind of disturbing. It’s like if you took Stand By Me and The River’s Edge and The Lord of the Flies then dialed the squirm factor up to about
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Dung Butterfly Teeth Man Box

Man, the subject lines of my junkmail are just getting better and better. There’s a thousand monkeys out there, and they’re cranking out something, anyway. But, not what I’m here to say this time. What I’m here to say: Woody Harrelson makes movies better. NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN, though he’s just in it for a bit, coudn’t have really happened without him either, I don’t think. To say nothing at all of the over-the-top just plain old c…

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