Pubs update, etc

That Grasslimb with my “Code” in it is out now. Too, just got a story picked up by Doorways. Very cool place. And a couple of really short pieces, “‘Tis the Season” and “Animals I’ve Known” are up soon in Passages North, and “The Mourners” should be in Fourth River any moment here. And, while I’m just recklessly listing: still excited about “do(this)” in Asimov’s soon and “H…

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Two new books

Well, ‘new,’ I don’t know — I’m just seeing them anyway. And one I’ve been waiting for, I don’t know, feels like ever, but a few months anyway:

BASS 2007

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The Sequel of the Remake Attacks, Oh No!

Just a couple of remakes that might have gone below the radar: Wizard of Oz and Hellraiser. And Hellraiser‘s especially interesting, as it likely tangles up everybody’s knee-jerk dislike of remakes: Barker’s (re)writing it himself. Don’t know what to think, myself. I mean, man, the original, I loved it. That and Lord of Illusions were so different from everything else being offered at the time (‘time’ meaning, yeah, that clearly d…

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And then there was Jang

Joon Hwan Jang. Which is to say I just watched Save the Green Planet. I mean, yeah, I’m a fool for Korean movies these last couple of years — not my fault, they’re just exploding, or I’m riding the wake of some explosion when everybody cool was watching Korean stuff, I don’t know — but, man, I went into this expecting something along the lines of Shaolin Soccer, with maybe some The Host mixed in. And then this hit me in a wholly different way. E…

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Late Footnote on that Innovative Fiction Post

Really, just two passages I’ve stumbled onto these last couple of days. The first is from Eric Miles Williamson, a guy I really respect because he can seriously write. On the editorial board of some mystery-press a couple of years ago, I read a book of his in manuscript which I still think of just a whole lot, and wish I’d kept my copy of. Can’t even remember the title of it, even. But it really got to me. Anyway, East Bay Grease is of course what he’s known fo…

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Lost & Found

Can’t find the message now, but I remember somebody asking in my inbox in some webmail on some pirate connection over the last three weeks or so where that old “T is for Title” post was. Well, just dug through the database for a ridiculous time, but found it, revived it, here.

Also, in looking for it, I noticed that that “Randomer & Randomer” post was jacking up the format for the whole site. So, it’s fixed now. Less space-efficient, b…

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Just real fast here

  • The new Clackamas Literary Review‘s out and about. My “The Parable of the Gun” story’s in it.
  • Another Demon Theory review way up at Toronto’s own Globe & Mail.
  • Just spent a week and change in a hammock watching the waves around Galveston, but, if I’m double-spacing correctly in my head (where you subtract title pages and epigraphs), I’m a good seventy-plus pages into the new novel. Considering doing that Three-Day Novel C
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These Things Happen

Misjudged when Monk was coming on last night somehow, so had an hour to kill, and, yep, accidentally started writing a new novel. Bad thing too is that my new MSWord has this running wordcount on the bottom. First time I’ve had that in a few years, now. Anyway, current count, 4,097. And I’m really and truly and honestly going to try to keep this one under two hundred pages. Already having just all kinds of fun with it. As for the title, content, all that, I’m all su…

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Randomer and Randomer

  • Looks like I’m up in Massachusetts — that how you spell it? so much easier just to say “MA” — this February 7th, for a reading. More as, I don’t know, it stops being more than half a year away, I suppose.
  • A friend lent me that Paris Review with the King interview that I was talking about last time, and, yep, it’s excellent. Too, a very cool JT Leroy interview in there as well. And some good poetry by a friend, John Poch.

  • Just read that How to
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Star Wars 1-3

A few years late weighing in here, but sometimes it takes a while for things to click. Anyway, yeah, everybody hates Star Wars 1-3. Maybe not because of what or how they are, but as compared to 4-6. And of course a lot of that’s just how nostalgia’s about the worst beer goggles out there. Not to say anything bad about 4-6, though. Far from it. I think they just have the big advantage in that they do what Vonnegut and Gaimain and about every good writer says to do, when makin…

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